Saturday, May 31, 2014

Accept or Reject a Client?

I was asked if I worked at a PR firm, how/if would I handle a client who was undergoing a scandal. The example presented was a baseball player who was accused of using performance enhancing drugs that could possibly be steroids, but it is unknown. I would welcome the baseball player as a client. The player may have made a mistake in the past, but it is nothing they can not move on from. I would respect the agency's honesty ethics, and try my best to keep the image of the player in good light. My proposal would look something like this:
          As we know, as children we look at sports players as heroes. Every game, the players give their all, and show hard work and dedication to their craft. But on the other side of being a hero to millions is the harsh reality of having to live up to constant, almost unreal expectations. As we have seen time and time again, players turn to the use of steroids to enhance their athletic performance. This is definitely a wrong decision, but not coming from the wrong place. Baseball is a very competitive sport, and there are so many players, that the media really focuses mainly on the star players.
        Recently, we have received a client who plays professional baseball and the media has suspected the player may be on, or have a history with steroids and other performance-enhancing drugs. Right now, this is all just speculation. They need our PR team to support and help him through the brutal media scrutiny. We hear this story time and time again, however when meeting with the player's agent, it was said the player took a substance. The player is unsure if it is steroids or not. Now the steps to conflict management, we must take a proactive and systematic approach:
  1. Predicting problems
  2. Anticipating threats
  3. Minimizing surprises
  4. Resolving issues
  5. Preventing crises
The problem would be the media ripping our client's character into shreds and really ruining his career he has work so hard toward. The first step to getting the media on our side is to have the player begin to make rounds to elementary and middle school for anti-drug pep rallies. He could tell the children first hand that illegal drugs are bad, and ruin lives. He cold also show up at public charity events to show that he cares about bettering the community and uses his craft to do so. For anticipating threats, we must know that if the player is proven guilty of steroid use, he could be exonerated, and he would have disappointed millions. As we saw with Mark McGuire, he denied steroid usage for years, went on to break records, and now his image and hard work is shattered because he was not only on steroids, but lie to the media. With that being said, the media will not sit down with no answers for much longer. We would need our client to sit down on a daytime television show and talk about the pressures of being a public figure. Our client should tell the complete truth and let the interviewer know that they took a substance at one point in time, and was unsure if it was steroids or not, however, they have not/will not be doing it again. Our client would then apologize for letting down people, but still hold on to their integrity by saying how they have learned to be healthy and not put foreign substances in his body.  This tactic would minimize the surprise and put an end to the media speculation before it gets out of control. After the daytime show appearance, we need our client to participate in an anti-drug commercial to solidify that they have changed their ways and are no longer on the "substances".  Interviews after this should speak about how they overcame the obstacle of caving into pressure, and how they feel better and less guilty not taking steroids and still playing well and entertaining the fans. The player would also speak about never wanting to jeopardize his career for something so minuscule like drug use, and nothing is worse than losing that. This would prevent the crisis from blowing out of proportion. The good the player has done with the community and admitting their faults and moving on in the right path should paint a picture of a strong individual who really cares about the viewers and does not want to let them down again.

Cameron. Public Relations Today: Managing Competition and Conflict. Pearson Learning Solutions

Friday, May 30, 2014

Power of Love and Relationships

Love is something can not be explained, yet it is all something we strive to obtain. Most of us have been raised to have a set goal to fall in love with one person and start a family filled with love. What is odd, everyone has a different definition of love. "Love" is a word with a multitude of meanings. To say you love your mother is different from saying you love your shoes or you love your romantic partner or you love chocolate donuts (Feenstra, 2011). To fall "in love" with someone is a process. There are various components to falling in love.
A variety of factors exist that help determine our liking of others. We like those we see or interact with often, as the mere-exposure effect predicts. We also like those who are attractive. Although we would prefer to interact with those who are attractive, we usually end up with those who are similar to us in attractiveness, as proposed by the matching hypothesis. We tend to like those who are similar to us in values and interests rather than those who are different. We prefer to not overbenefit or underbenefit in a relationship but have a relationship characterized by equity. We also tend to like those who like us and only us (Feenstra, 2011). We like to spend time with people we can talk with because we have same opinions as them or we love to stay and mingle with people that show same interest as us. If you love going to clubs or malls, you might end up with people that does the same and loves doing the same thing. Any similarities can be a good point to start a relationship whether it is platonic or romantic (Neimeyer & Mitchell, 1988). The need to belong has two factors, frequent contact and enduring connections. Evidence of this need is seen in our ease of forming and reluctance in ending relationships. The need is also evident in our happiness when we have social bonds and the negative emotions (anger, sadness) associated with lack of connection. Deprivation is associated with mental and physical health detriments. In loneliness we may interact with others, but do not feel that we have a close connection to anyone (Feenstra, 2011).
Sternberg's Triangular Theory of Love breaks down love into categories. In a nutshell, the Triangular Theory of Love defines “love” as being composed of 3 qualities, passion, intimacy, and commitment (Kantra). Intimacy is the friendship or specialness of the relationship.  The feelings of closeness, bondedness, connectedness, trust, and friendship in the relationship. Passion is the excitement or energy of the relationship.  The feelings of physical attraction, romance, and arousal (particularly sexual arousal) in the relationship. Commitment is the “business aspect” of the relationship. This includes all the shared investments, or the “history,” of the relationship, such as decisions, experiences, and adjustments (Kantra). It takes a certain combination of all three aspects to really fall in love. The 3 components, then, can produce 8 types of love:
1. “Friendship”- Intimacy Only (No Passion or Commitment) – Can be summed up as having intimacy with one another, feeling close,  & trusting one another.
2. “Infatuation”- Passion Only (No Intimacy or Commitment) – This tends to be a superficial relationship that is one-sided, where the couple are temporarily ga-ga over one another.  In Hollyword, this is known as a “whirlwind romance.”
3. “Empty Love”- Commitment Only (No Passion or Intimacy) – This is most often an older relationship where the passion and intimacy have died…like “falling out of love.”
4. “Romantic Love”- Intimacy & Passion (No Commitment) – This can be a blossoming relationship where the couple feel like best friends (“friends with benefits”).  As experiences grow with one another, this type of love may develop Commitment.
5. “Companionate Love”- Intimacy & Commitment (No Passion) – Again, this usually occurs in older relationships where the couple remain best friends, but no longer feel passion for one another. This type of love can still be very satisfying and long-lasting.
6. “Fantasy Love”- Passion & Commitment (No Intimacy) – This is a feeling of love because the couple wants to be in love…but they really have little in common.
7. “Non-Love”-  All Sides Absent (No Passion, Intimacy or Commitment) – Basically, this type of relationship is of just an acquaintance.
8. “Complete or Consummate Love”- (All Sides Present) – The best of all types, the “ideal relationship,” that all couples would like to achieve.
Having the matching components to fall "in love" is difficult to find. Many of us dream to find it and make it last for a lifetime. Many of us think we may have already found it. Again, love has many definitions to people, so being in love and staying in love is a huge challenge that a majority of people want to take on.

Feenstra, J. (2011). Introduction to social psychology. Bridgepoint Education, Inc. Retrieved from

Thursday, May 29, 2014

What Makes a Good Blog?

What Makes a Good Blog?
Kenneth Thames
Dan Tinianow

Blog are a great way for writers to express their thoughts and opinions on specific topics and facts. There are millions of blogs published on sites like WordPress, Tumblr, Blogger and TypePad. There are various things that a blog must have that sets them apart and attracts more viewers. Appearance is very important with a blog to draw readers in. A blog can have the best content, but if it visually does not please the viewers eye, it makes no difference. Unless you are Wikipedia or Craigslist, you should probably avoid the oh-so-boring-nothing-but-black-text-on-white-background look. Add a splash of color—this could be via photos, changing the color of your Hx tags, changing the font color of a quote, etc. Keep in mind that the goal is to highlight your post with some color. Avoid the temptation to add too much color, though, as this could be distracting (Thompson, 2012). People also do not like to look at words jumbled up in paragraphs. Reading text on a screen is different from reading it on paper. There’s just something about the internet that has conditioned us to gravitate towards shorter blocks of text, and avoid long, dense ones, when online (von Weber-Hahnsberg, 2014). Blogs posts need to be broken up to keep the viewers eyes moving.
One way to accomplish this is to use bullet points. Numbered lists are also effective, as are subheaders. Short sentences and short paragraphs are necessary to keep readers’ attention (von Weber-Hahnsberg, 2014). Photos also take a blog to the next level in appearance. Stock photos can be great for adding some color and visual appeal to a blog post. But as a Marketing Experiments’ study found, “an image is only as valuable as the value it communicates.” If a stock photo doesn’t add anything unique to your post, then it doesn’t communicate any important piece of information (Thompson, 2012). I tried to incorpoarte pictures in my blog to add some spice. I am still trying to learn how to make the layout better flow wise and maybe make the font a little more fun.
This blog layout is welcoming with the contrast of the post against the background design. The color scheme is a little bland, but I do like how it is organized. The blog could use some pictures in the posts because it comes off very wordy. In the first blog post, it may have been better to not only have  the different media technologies in bold, but maybe used bullet points and add some graphics. I will say the blog has a nice flow because it does not have a bunch of run on paragraphs. Every paragraph is well written and it is broken up into pieces.
I feel like the bland look adds to the blog personality. It makes me feel as though it is straight to the point and factual.
The blog layout incorporates the use of pictures to help with the visual flow of the blog. I am not a fan of the layout though. With red being such an energetic color, I would expect the font to be also have personality. I personally would not have given the blog a second look, however the content of the blog was great! Everything was very well written and was enjoyable to read.
This blog's layout is superb! The background, layout, color scheme and flow are all great. Each blog has a picture and a hyperlink to read all of the content. I love how each entry give a small snippet of the blog entry that draws you in wanting to read more. The blog is not over the top or crowded when it comes to the pictures or backdrop. Every entry was a great read and very informative. Once clicking on each blog, though, the content was all words. It did not follow the rule of breaking things up into bullets or shorter paragraphs. Everything was written in essay for which, in my opinion, is fine. It may not be appealing to all readers though.

Thompson, A. (2012, September 27). Appearance Matters: How To Format Your Blog Posts For Social and Linkbait Success - Search Engine Journal. Search Engine Journal. Retrieved May 30, 2014, from

Weber-Hahnsberg, A. v. (2014, May 22). 9 Essential Elements of an Effective Blog. The Marketing Zen Group. Retrieved June 1, 2014, from

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Cover Letter + Resume

Kenneth Thames
779 Redstart Drive
Ellisville, MO 63021

August, 2014

United Healthcare Group
13655 Riverport Drive  
Maryland Heights, MO 63043
(314) 592-7000

RE: Engagement Specialist

Dear Recruiter,

I understand you are searching for an employee that provides quality, and consumer focused customer service. I also realize you are looking for an employee who is an active listener and detail oriented. Working in the medical field, some may just look at it as a "job", but I look at it as a necessity. I am passionate about doing the best I can to ensure our patient's needs are met and their voice is heard by our company. United Healthcare serves over 60 million people, and they need our company to be at it's best for their health and medical needs. I have had more than 6 years of professional customer service experience. All of which I had utilized the tools needed for the engagement specialist position (MS Excel, Powerpoint, Word, and Outlook). I am currently working in the medical field with your partner company, Express Scripts.

I, myself, am a member of United Healthcare insurance, and have been very pleased. I know the company cares, and has a high expectation for employees to have a strong since of empathy and emotion. I enjoy working in the medical field and learning about new medical break-throughs and solving problems for patients who feel they are not being treated fairly. As highlighted in my resume, my communication skills are very competent. I wish to work in a position that gives our clients reassurance that their voice is being heard and we care about their needs. Also, with my interest in the company, I will easily soak in all the information given to me willingly and apply it to further my success with the company. I have worked in the same type of environment as an Engagement Specialist, and know how to work diligently with the computer software, and hardware. I can also focus in the busy atmosphere and background noises of other employees without being distracted from our valued clients. And with my current position with Express Scripts, I have been already been trained on different insurance benefits, medicare, and medicaid.

And though I do love my current position, I know your company can take my career to a higher level. I am ready and willing to take on the new tasks the position brings, and promise I will commit to going above and beyond to ensure my quality as an employee for your company. I have been very successful with my other employers, and look forward to future successes with your company as well.

With this being just an introduction to who I am, I would love the company to get a better glimpse of who I am as a person and employee. I hope the company is open to setting time aside, whether through telephone or in person, to talk to discuss a future business relationship. You can reach me on my cell phone at 314-800-5555 at anytime.

Thank you for your time,

Kenneth Thames


Kenneth Thames
799 Redstart Drive
Ellisville, MO 63021

To secure a position that will lead to a lasting working relationship in the field of customer service and communications.
  • Proficient with Microsoft Word and data entry
  • Experienced with operating in a high call volume setting
  • Customer service and banking experience

04/2012 - present       Express-Scripts      Saint Louis, MO
Prior Authorization
  • Performs telephonic support for on-line authorization of routine services to research and review eligibility and benefit coverage to pharmacists and physician offices. Upon decision of claim payment status, generates the appropriate referral with notification and exchange of information to the service organization for proper adjudication of claim payment.
11/2006 - 04/2012       Enterprise Holdings      Saint Ann, MO
Reservations Agent
  • Multi-tasking between three different car companies (National, Alamo, and Enterprise Rent-a-Car). Answer customer concerns and address billing information. Worked with numerous programs like Avaya, Odyssey,  and Microsoft office. Gained experience in multiple computer programs such as Ralph, Avaya, Outlook, Spreadsheets, and Microsoft word. Delivered superior customer service over the phone. Informed customers of different promotions, services, and programs of the company.
11/2008 - 2/2009       Commerce Bank          Ellisville, MO
Bank Teller
  • Represented the bank with a smiling face and extravagant customer service. Handled large sums of money and processed official checks, money orders, traveler’s checks and saving bonds. Informed guests of many different banking opportunities and various account options. Followed strict bank procedures and worked with numerous Microsoft office tools.
01/2004 -3/2011      Lion’s Choice Restaurant      Ballwin, MO
Line Worker
  • Responsibilities include over the top friendly, face to face customer service; handling the company’s money; and training new employees while monitoring others.
  • Ashford University                  Clinton, IA
Bachelor’s in Communication Arts (in progress)
  • Saint Louis Community College     Saint Louis, MO
Associates in Communication Arts
Sherry Kaeser- 636.537.9204
Mike Hitchcock- 314.852.2801
Linda Tran- 314.662.2965

Ashley Holt- 314.749.4267

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Marriage Ethics

    Marriage in the dictionary is listed "the social institution under which a man and woman establish their decision to live as husband and wife by legal commitments, religious ceremonies, etc. " and "the legal or religious ceremony that formalizes the decision of two people to live as a married couple, including the accompanying social festivities: to officiate at a marriage." Most religions look at homosexuality as a sin... which means practicing a union of two people of the same sex would be impossible. But, religions also promote love and acceptance... which is what marriage is about. So why count out a certain group of people to practice their love by a legal commitment. Many minority groups have had to struggle with being fully accepted in society. Marriage is a sign of making a permanent commitment to someone you love. Gay citizens just want to love like anyone else does... in their own way.

    Studies repeatedly demonstrate that people who marry tend to be better off financially, emotionally, psychologically, and even medically. Marriage is not universally an improvement (women, for example, can actually be worse off in some ways), but it generally is. Because of this, it stands to reason that legalized gay marriage will ultimately prove beneficial for gay individuals. This, in turn, will be better for gay couples, the families of gays, and communities where gays live (Cline, 2011). No one wants to grow old alone. Can you imagine someone telling you that since you do not love a certain way, you can not display your love at all. Perhaps the most important aspect of marriage is that it establishes a legal and  social relationship which makes it easier for people to “be there” for each other — economically, emotionally, and psychologically. Most of the rights and privileges that go with marriage are, in fact, ways to help spouses support each other. Married couples are thus much better off than unmarried couples, giving relationships the ability to grow stronger and deeper. No matter if a couple is gay or straight, a bond is something humans long for. Conservatives who usually oppose gay marriage argue, correctly, that stable families are a cornerstone to a stable society. Families are the smallest social unit in society and trends in the family inevitably affect trends in society as a whole — and vice-versa, of course. Allowing gays to marry will help better integrate them and their relationships into society. Ensuring that gay relationships are stable and receive support will benefit the stability of society overall. There is no such thing as traditional marriage. Given the prevalence of modern and ancient examples of family arrangements based on polygamy, communal child-rearing, the use of concubines and mistresses and the commonality of prostitution, heterosexual monogamy can be considered "unnatural” in evolutionary terms. Marriage is said to be about reproduction and starting a family, and since gay couples can't achieve it biologically, they should not be married. What about women or men who are unable to conceive. Should they not be allowed to be married? Should they be allowed to adopt? I feel like any stable home should be able to adopt children. Gay marriage will make it easier for same-sex couples to adopt children. In the US, 100,000 children are waiting to be adopted. A longitudinal study published in Pediatrics on June 7, 2010 found that children of lesbian mothers were rated higher than children of heterosexual parents in social and academic competence and had fewer social problems. A July 2010 study found that children of gay fathers were "as well-adjusted as those adopted by heterosexual parents.” There are still growing children who have no homes and gay couples who would love to have a family.
    In our society, we claim we live "under one God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all"... but is it justified to isolate of group of people because they love differently? I doubt gay marriage would increase war... I refuse to believe gay marriage will raise crime and violence rates... but I am sure it could prevent many gay suicides knowing that society accepts them as a human with rights to love how they want.
Marriage is already threatened with high divorce rates (between 40% and 50%) and with 40.6% of babies being born to unmarried mothers in 2008. Allowing same-sex couples to marry would further weaken the institution (Steven, 2012). Gay marriage is incompatible with the beliefs, sacred texts, and traditions of many religious groups. The Catholic Church, Presbyterian Church, Islam, United Methodist Church, Southern Baptist Convention, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, National Association of Evangelicals, and American Baptist Churches USA all oppose same-sex marriage. Expanding marriage to include same-sex couples may lead to churches being forced to marry couples and children being taught in school that same-sex marriage is the same as opposite-sex marriage (Steven, 2012). The church should teach tolerance and acceptance of those who are different because that is what God would want them to do. Instead of worrying about teaching children about same-sex marriage, they should be taught that love is beautiful and that they are all accepted for whom they are. The gay lifestyle is not something to be encouraged, as a lot of research shows it leads to a much lower life expectancy, psychological disorders, and other problems.(Messerli, 2011). Gay marriage would entitle gay couples to typical marriage benefits including claiming a tax exemption for a spouse, receiving social security payments from a deceased spouse, and coverage by a spouse’s health insurance policy. On Dec. 17, 2009, the Congressional Budget Office estimated that the cost to the federal government of extending employment benefits to same-sex domestic partners of certain federal employees (making no mention of additional costs such as Social Security and inheritance taxes) would be $596 million in mandatory spending and $302 million in discretionary spending between 2010 and 2019 (Gullo, 2009). Marriage is not a right. Society can choose to endorse certain types of sexual arrangements and give support in the form of benefits to these arrangements. Marriage was created to allow society to support heterosexual couples in procreation and society can choose not to give the same benefits to same-sex couples. Children of gay marriage grow up in tougher circumstances with acceptance by society and may have a clouded view of gender roles. Some feel same-sex marriage would lead to other outrageous things such as polygamy or bestiality... but honestly, there is no proof of that. We can always come up with "what-ifs".
    I find the pros of same-sex marriage outweigh the cons. Though there seem to be valid religious beliefs as to why gay marriage should not exist, many sources did not take time to research facts outside of religion. Many feel like gay marriage will encourage abnormal behavior in other people. Many also argue that gay marriage can increase the gay population to take out. Contrary to belief, gay people have held the same percentage of demographics for years (said to be about 10%)... it is just more recently they are asking for more rights and acceptance. As Steven stated, divorce rates are increasing, but that has nothing to do with gay couples. Many people just marry for the wrong reasons, usually out of obligation for their offspring. If marriage is about reproduction, then infertile couples would not be allowed to marry. Ability or desire to create offspring has never been a qualification for marriage. George Washington, often referred to as "the Father of Our Country,” did not have children with his wife Martha Custis, and neither did four other married US presidents ("," 2012). Gay couples usually do not have the same distractions as heterosexual couples until they are ready for it. The gay lifestyle has proven a lower life expectancy, usually stemming from psychological warfare from never being accepted by society. I feel like gay marriage could alleviate a lot of the stress and lack of acceptance gay people feel. And if life expectancy is an issue, than other the pregnant or future mothers with life threatening illness should not have babies either, right? With the way society is, marriage is not valued like it used to be. For instance, celebrities marry and divorce frequently. Saying marriage is for couples to procreate seems a bit ridiculous considering how there are so many single parents. If the church says no one sin is greater than the other, then why don't they condemn single parents for engaging in acts only married people should? Society has desensitized us to accept one idea, yet argue to reject the other. A woman who has multiple kids with multiple other men never had a problem with being married by a church. Researchers have shown that children of gay parents are very well adjusted. The main issues with children having gay parents is society not accepting them because of their family dynamic. At the end of the day, all children are heckled by peers for things they can not control. There has not been research showing children of gay marriage are confused about their own gender roles or sexuality.
    Also, outside of a religious view, and from an atheist stand point, the future for gay marriage looks bright. The opposition against same-sex marriage "seem to realize that the cultural, social, and political forces are against them. This is why they are so determined to enact federal laws, and perhaps even constitutional amendments, to prevent gay marriage from being recognized or legalized anywhere in the United States. If cultural, social, and political forces were on their side, this wouldn’t be necessary. What is the future of gay marriage in America? Full legalization and recognition, just as is the case today with interracial and interfaith marriages (Austin, 2011)." Austin goes on to state that "It will take a long time for this to occur — even interracial and interfaith marriages continue to be looked down upon by many in America today. Not even racial integration and equality have come as far as they ideally should have. All of these have been opposed by the same religious and political forces which currently oppose gay marriage, so there is every reason to think that they will have the same success in hindering gay marriage. This means that even after gay marriage is legalized, social and political barriers will continue to be thrown up in front of gay couples and their supporters. In the long term, though, these barriers will fall apart because the bigotry and animosity towards gays will lose the sort of support they currently have. Perhaps progress will be even faster because of the progress made with other minorities thus far in America." Reading from an atheist stand point really was my deciding factor. Stepping outside of religion, and just into pure evidence and facts, gay marriage can not hinder our society.



Cline, A. (2011). Retrieved from

Love and pride. (2005). Retrieved from

Steven, M. (2012, January 31). Retrieved from

Messerli, J. (2011, 11 19). Should same-sex marriages be legalized?. Retrieved from

Grohol, J. (2011). World of psychology. Retrieved from 

Monday, May 26, 2014

Delivering Bad News Tactfully and Effectively

Kenneth Thames
Delivering Bad News Tactfully and Effectively
COM 480
Dan Tinianow
May 26, 2014

When dealing with any employee and their job performance, it is important to approach the matter in a personal matter. It is important when dealing with difficult employees to act quickly. Often you will need to act almost immediately to neutralize a dangerous situation. However, it is always appropriate to think before you act (Reh, 2014). With an employee who is know to be hostile and combative it is very important to have a paper trail of proof to show the employee personally. The first step I would do to approach my employee would be to send a personal email to schedule a face-to-face meeting. That gives the employee a chance to respond with any questions and show that there was contacted attempted. Many people who have a combative personality tend to be very defensive. Having physical proof of their professional performance makes it harder for them to argue their counter point. Armed with accurate data and examples, the manager needs to then take this person into a conference room or office--away from others--and calmly address the issue. To begin, the manager needs to ask the employee if he is aware of any ongoing issues to determine if the difficult person is aware of the problems (Javitch, 2009). It is also important to let the employee know why you hired them in the first place and comment on their strong points so they do not feel attacked. It is always important for an employee to feel like they are worthy and have potential to grow if they want to. My job as a manager is to not only let an employee know what they can be doing better, but also set an action plan the employee can follow to better their job performance. I would analyze the employee's behavioral patterns with our customers and break down how to treat them better and the effects that bad customer service has on our company. I would also discuss what is considered professional behavior via the company's handbook and ensure the employee knows what is acceptable and unacceptable behavior at work. When confronting the problem it is also important to use selective languages. Though the employee is known in the office as confrontational, I can only judge the behaviors I have seen. A manager must focus on the inappropriate behavior; don't attack the person. To make an employee feel less attacked, a manager should use "I" statements like "I need everybody on the team here on time so we can meet our goals" rather than "you" statements like "you are always late". It is also important to take into consideration the inappropriate behavior is caused by negative intent. It may be from fear, confusion, lack of motivation, personal problems, etc (Reh, 2014). It is very important to empathize with the employee because you never know what someone is going through. Coming to an employee from a personal level also shows that your intent is to help address and resolve the problem rather than just get rid of them. A manager must give the employee a chance to develop a solution to the problem. They are more likely to "own" the solution if they are at least partially responsible for developing it (Reh, 2014).
It would be hard to gauge exactly how an employee may react to the meeting, but it is also going to be mighty hard for their to be a negative outcome when taking these steps toward a resolution. Once the employee begins to understand that these negative behaviors are real and experienced by others in the organization, the manager or someone from human resources should begin to coach the difficult employee in displaying more acceptable and appropriate behaviors. The employee needs time and practice in "trying on" new, more suitable behaviors. HR and/or the manager need to provide specific feedback to this employee on the success or failure of his efforts in minimizing the negative actions and implementing ones that are more positive (Javitch, 2009). I would consider this type of conflict resolution as a win-win. The employee is not only aware of their actions and how they may come off to others, but they now have an action plan to follow that they helped develop themselves. With the employee being aware of their behaviors, they can now correct it and know they are truly an asset to the company.

 Guided Marketing Program Illustration

Javitch, D. (2009, May 31). 5 Steps to Deal with Difficult Employees - Dealing with employees. Entrepreneur. Retrieved May 24, 2014, from

Reh, J. (n.d.). How to Deal With Difficult Employees (Without Firing Them). Management & Leadership. Retrieved May 22, 2014, from

Monday, May 19, 2014

Media Technology Blog Posting

Media Technology Blog Posting
Kenneth Thames
Dan Tanianow

Some of my earliest and happiest moments were times I would watch television with my family. We would watch our favorite sitcoms and spend quality time laughing it up. I also remember television teaching me a lot of things at a very young age. There were many educational children's shows on Nick Jr. and PBS that I grew up watching. My parents would watch the news and I would sit and watch them discuss politics and things that seemed irrelevant at the time. I see later in life how informative the news can really be. The audience for TV is the general population. There are plenty of shows and networks that cater to various genders, ethnicities, and age groups. 99% of households have televisions. According to the A.C. Nielsen Co., the average American watches more than 4 hours of TV each day (or 28 hours/week, or 2 months of nonstop TV-watching per year). In a 65-year life, that person will have spent 9 years glued to the tube (Norman, 2014). Television seems to be the most influential media technology because of how much people watch. We are influenced by the commercials, television characters, and opinions we hear. Many young men want to be superheroes or athletes when they are younger, and you women look to be miss America or the next pop music sensation. With various shows catering to different demographics, children are usually exposed and learn about violence early in age which is a concern Americans have been dealing with for years.
Like television, magazines cater to various demographics also. Magazines are a little better for those that like to read information without audio/visual distractions. Magazines are not the most exclusive when it comes to headlines and news stories, but they tend to have more concrete details and concrete sources. Magazines are great sources for teaching certain skills. For example, fitness magazines can teach new workout techniques, or even help critique new products on the market. As time goes on, though, the magazine popularity is decreasing. It is so easy to read the same magazine headlines on the internet and through digital media for free, that buying a magazine seems like a waste. Many magazines have been going out of business. The top 25 magazines did not fare much better than the industry overall. Nearly two-thirds saw circulation declines in the second half of 2011. The 12th ranked Ladies’ Home Journal declined most. It fell 15.8%, a loss of more than 600,000 copies, in the second half of 2011 (Matsa, K., Sasseen, J., & Mitchell, A). Though magazine and other print media is declining, it is still one of the leading media technologies people read. A good magazine can pass time while in the doctor's office, on a plane, or even while at work.
Most of us listen to the radio passing time while riding in the car. The radio exposes us to new music and entertaining radio shows. Like most of the other media technologies, it is a good source for people to receive news. Before television, there was radio, and it is still one of the most popular forms of media today. Today there is a huge amount of stations available to listen to for all different genres and age groups, especially with Sirus XM radio. There are about 44,000 radio stations worldwide. In fact, there are radios everywhere. At least 75 percent of households in developing countries have access to a radio (Brown College Blog). Radio is the second most powerful medium in the United States, reaching 59 percent of the country’s population daily. In comparison, 49 percent are reached by the Internet while print media accounts for 13 percent. Only TV, with a daily reach of 80 percent, is consumed on a daily basis by a broader audience.Online radio is, somewhat surprisingly, used by just 15 percent of American radio listeners, even though close to 80 percent of the U.S. population has access to the internet (Topic Radio, 2014).
The internet takes the cake when it comes to media technology because it incorporates all of the different medias into one source. The internet is a great source when learning the latest news, not only in your area, but all over the world. The internet connects with various audiences also. There are children friendly websites to adult websites. There are various "how to" videos and instructions you can find online. It is a great way for many to practice their right for free speech and speak their mind through message boards and blogs. The internet now has websites that post televisions shows and the magazine articles you would find in the stores. The internet has given a whole new outlet for music. Musicians no longer sell a ton of physical albums, but rather digital music. It gives an outlet for various artists to be seen and heard without major media companies behind them. The internet also has countless social networking websites to meet people who have the same interests or ideas. From dating websites to fashion websites, people can meet and connect through hobbies or ideas. A new survey shows that Americans are increasingly transfixed with social networking sites, with Facebook grabbing more of our time than any other blog or social media. Social networks and blogs are taking up more and more of Americans time online, now accounting for nearly a quarter of our time spent on the Internet, according Nielsen's social media report. Internet users in the U.S. spend more than twice as much time on social networks than they do in the second-most popular category: playing online games. Facebook is the top destination of all social networks and blogs. Nielsen reported that 140 million people visited Facebook in May. That's 70% of all active U.S. Internet users. Google's Blogger came in second with a distant 50 million visitors that month, while Twitter was in the third spot with 23 million (Gaudin, 2011). The internet has also opened up the doors to many career fields with writing and starting online businesses. And of course, the internet has many the opportunity to go to college.


Norman, H. (n.d.).  Retrieved May 20, 2014, from

Matsa, K., Sasseen, J., & Mitchell, A. (n.d.). Magazines: By the Numbers | State of the Media. Magazines: By the Numbers | State of the Media. Retrieved May 20, 2014, from

Brown College Blog. (n.d.). 10 Interesting Radio Statistics. Retrieved May 20, 2014, from

Topic: Radio. (n.d.). Retrieved May 20, 2014, from

Gaudin, S. (n.d.). Social networks eat up Americans' online time. Computerworld. Retrieved May 20, 2014, from